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What KPMG Will Offer For Hassad Food

What KPMG Will Offer For Hassad Food

Hassad Food Company is one of the fastest growing food companies in Qatar. It is a subsidiary that is fully owned by the Qatar Holdings LLC. The company is also the implementing arm of Qatar’s investments body, Qatar Investment Authority (QIA). Hassad food is seeking to grow into a multinational company and become a market leader in production and distribution of food products. This report documents what KPMG will do to help Hassad food meet their growth targets and organizational goals.

The first step will be analysis of Hassad Food Company’s organizational structure. This will be a detailed study aimed at understanding how HFC is organized from the high level management to the lower level of subordination. To understand the organizational structure, a series meeting with all stakeholders will be conducted to ascertain the impediments to the implementation of HFC’s strategic plan. Once the internal analysis of HFC is complete, KPMG will use its resources to provide a comparison between HFC’s organizational structure and the industry’s. This will help in identification of weaknesses and opportunities in the current structure. KPMG will then provide a strategic plan to help HFC overcome the weaknesses and capitalize on the opportunities.

HFC seeks to become a global leader is food production and distribution. This is only possible if the amount of wastes within the organization are minimized. Each employees is expected to utilize all the resource within HFC efficiently. KPMG seeks to help in ensuring the human resources within HFC are efficiently allocated, therefore minimum wastes. KPMG will do an analysis of the current human resource arrangement. Each job position will be analysed and job descriptions issued. The requirements of each job will be compared with the industry’s and also the international benchmarks. A recommendation for the all duties and delegations will be issued to help HFC in job description and allocation.

In the analysis of the human resources, KPMG will do a detailed job analysis for the purpose of grouping the jobs into related families. This will be based on the duties ascribed to the job, the expectations on output of the job by the employer and entry requirements for the job. Each of the positions will be evaluated to ascertain their role towards the organizational strategy. Unique jobs will be identified and evaluated. KPMG will then modify the current grades and brands and the job requirements so as to align them with the organizational strategy.

KPMG will evaluate the current HFC reward system to ascertain its effectiveness in fostering employee efficiency. The current remuneration structure will be analysed and compared with the industry’s to ascertain differences. HFC’s salary and benefit schemes will be analysed and compared with the competitive market’s rates. A recommendation will be given to help HFC align its reward system with the market’s rates.

Once this is done, KPMG will use its resources to help HFC in identifying the various markets with opportunities for investment. Since HFC seeks to increase its global presence, KPMG will help HFC identify global organizations that will partner with HFC in its internationalisation. KPMG will also evaluate the organizational strategies developed by HFC to ascertain their viability. This will be a detailed analysis that will require both internal and external analysis of the business environment. Recommendation for changes in the current HFC’s strategic plan will be issued.


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