For this week, our focus is on compassion toward the self and campaigns intended to spread compassion to others. For this week’s journal please peruse the websites below, watch the video, and answer the following questions. 500 words min.
Websites to view:……
1) What are your thoughts about the Ted Talk presentation?
2) Do you feel humans are inherently designed to be compassionate (look into mirror neurons)? Why? Why not?
3) Are there specific cultures that are more compassionate than others? Why do you think this is? Provide examples.
4) Assuming and hoping you want to – How can you better practice self-compassion?
5) Which of the websites (comment on one provided, or feel free to find a non-profit website not on the list) do you feel does the best job at motivating others to practice compassion? Why?
6) What role can you have in spreading compassion to others?