Develop an envisioned methodology and design for your dissertation research topic based on the research problem, purpose, and questions you developed (I will attach), and then write a research paper to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the envisioned method and design. In your paper, justify why the chosen method and design would be most appropriate for your research questions. In justifying your chosen method and design, discuss why alternative methods/designs would be less desirable for your study.
Your paper should follow the below structure:
A: Introduction:
– Overall view on the talent management concept
– Challenges that talent management deals with or faces
– The exact problem your study is going to investigate on
B: Research Methodology
1- Research Area (I will attach my paper which covers this section)
– Problem Statement ( see attachment)
– Purpose of the study (see attachment)
– Questions of the study (see attachment)
2- The approach of the study
– Discuss the approach you want to apply (Quantitative, qualitative or Mixed method)
– Discuss the reasons why you choose this approach to answer your problem statement
– Discuss how your study is going to benefit from this approach more than other two approaches (the one you choose from those three: Quantitative, qualitative or Mixed method)
– Give a reasons why the other two approaches ( that you did not choose from those three: Quantitative, qualitative or Mixed method) are not appropriate to your research area and problem statement.
3- Conclusion
Conclude how confident that the approach you adopt is the appropriate one to answer your problem statement, and to generate answers to your question of the study
– All references should be scholary courses (Acadamic Journals and not older than 2007
– Avoid using first pronouns like I, myself, instead use “the writer”, the Author.
– all paragraphs shpuld have sub titles
– all paragraphs should have be identified by the scources
– Avoid using “referrals” like, it, they..etc as it makes the sentence unclear, intead you can state the fact.