This unit covered project management techniques. Select a possible project management situation from your work or school experience and develop a project plan with at least five activities and with at least one predecessor activity. Create an activity network for your project. From your activity network, determine the critical path and identify any slack within your project. As you develop your project network be sure to think critically about each activity and use your best estimate of the time for the activity. How has the process of developing a project plan impacted how you might manage projects in the future?
Minimum: 200 words
Discussion 2:
Currently, limited international laws exist in areas such as copyright/patent protection and confidentiality of information. Labor and environmental laws may vary significantly between the United States and many developing countries. In addition, although all countries have laws against bribery, there are some countries where corruption is quite common.
In this Discussion question, you are the owner of a manufacturing company, and you are considering a contract with a clothing manufacturer in Bangladesh. (Please keep in mind that you will use some of this information in your ethics policy in the final project.)
Please address the following in your response:
In reflecting on the limited international laws and regulations and the differences between the US and other countries, briefly discuss some guidelines (principles and concepts) that you would have in your code of conduct (ethical/social responsibility policies).
Describe the ethical decision-making framework (What will shape your code?).
What are expected behaviors and how will you address poor behavior?
Given the existence of regulations and laws by the United States, international governing bodies, and global organizations, list the major concerns and issues that you will need to be mindful of in developing a code of conduct for working with a foreign business.
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