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Pro Clean Tennessee.

Pro clean is an expert full-service carpet care company, based in middle Tennessee area. This company has offered this service in Nashville since 1995. It takes pride in its status, knowledge, education, systems and assurance. It is a certified firm that boasts a staff of over 33years experience who are well bonded and covered. Apart from that, it holds multiple master and journeymen cleaning technician certifications which are the highest available in the carpet cleaning industry.  Pro clean is involved in activities such as cleaning carpets, carpet stretching and repairs, color repair, upholstery cleaning, fiber and fabric protection, hard wood cleaning and recoating, tile and grout cleaning and sealing as well as natural stone cleaning and sealing. This paper seeks to find the solution for a failed business project of pro clean Tennessee caused by employees and equipment.


The strengths of the company include the presence of a highly qualified, creative and specialized staff who has built the reputation of the business. The company also organizes refresher courses for the employees often, to keep them at per with their services. It boasts being the most popular carpet cleaning company in the region making it possess a large number of clients. The company has a management that command good leadership and has been able to secure good market for the company.  The company offers great flexibility and is able to send its staff to offer services outside the business premises.


The company however has a few weaknesses. It churns money fast because of the additional cost of workers and equipment, which has resulted to it facing bankruptcy. The company has a large number of employees and as a result, a large percentage of the company’s money is being channeled to paying the employees thus making the business incur loses instead of profits. The equipment being used by the company is also very expensive and has a high rate of breakdown. It has limited resources and is unable to expand its services to other areas outside Tennessee.


Pro-clean Tennessee has a few opportunities that enhance the achievement of its objectives. Its greatest opportunity for growth is its central placement, which enables it to serve large regions like the Davidson, Williamson, Robertson, Cheatham, Rutherford and summer countries.


Their biggest threat is its competitors who are coming up at a very fast rate. These include companies like Shelley cleaning service, all clean Janitorial service and Star bright cleaning services.

To correct this problem, the owner of pro clean Tennessee emulated the company model of a well- established opponent.  The management is aware that the success of the business lies in the talent and creativity of its employees. It has decided to employ very few personnel. This reduces the cost of salaries paid up.  However, it ensures that the employees are very qualified. Every employee employed by this company must have attained a multiple master and journeymen cleaning technician certification. Recruitment of employees is done thoroughly and often involves practical. Once they are recruited, they are made to undergo a thorough training session for one week. This enables them to be conversant with the way the company works and are thus able to deliver when put in the field.

The management has also created a sense of necessity by enabling the workers to see the reality of the present state of the business, as well as feel the “romance” of the future state of the company. The employees are thus aware that the company could be running at a loss if they do not better their services. They have also created a tradition of trust by pushing the envelop of transparency in communication and information distribution.

To curb the problem of equipment, the company has identified a company that is credible and offers servicing for their equipment after every three months. Their equipment has therefore become better because they are checked more often. It has also been made known to the employees that the amount being spent to buy equipment is too high and therefore they should improve. The company has done this by assigning every technician their own equipment so that they become more accountable. This has also caused an improvement in the way they handle their equipment.

The company has thus been successful in improving their sales and increasing their profit. The employees though few, are able to maximize their efforts and have also become more responsible with handling the equipment and have been able to retain the clients of the company. This case therefore, is useful in policy making, marketing strategy and small business management courses. It assists in improving the sales of the company.


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