5 page analytical essay comparing the film version, Mary Shelley’s, Frankenstein (1994) to the original novel Mary Shelley”s Frankenstein (1818)
Your first assignment is to write a 1,250-1,500 word essay (use Word Count under the “Tools” menu in Word if you are unsure) on Frankenstein addressing the following topic/question:
• Discuss how faithful the director of the film version of the story has been to Shelley’s novel – especially to its themes and characters. What liberties has Branagh taken? What has been added, what has been left out? Consider that “otherness” is a theme featured prominently in science fiction. How is this phenomenon enacted in Frankenstein? How are the main characters drawn in novel and film and to what effect? How do novel and film differ in the development of the central SF genre themes? Do not discuss the limitations of film as compared to literature in your paper; we are only concerned with the changes Branagh has made and their effects on Shelley’s work. Do not waste space talking about the entertainment value of movies.
Before you begin your first essay assignment, review the questions raised and points that have been made in the discussions. Some things remain the same in Branagh’s film but much is altered. Decide on the argument you want to make, take a position, have a clear thesis statement and proceed to argue it from the evidence you have in the novel and film.
Cautions and Advice:
We all know the novel and the film so please do not write a plot synopsis. Neither should you write a 5-page research paper. You are not required to do research for this essay; indeed, I discourage it. However, if you do use secondary sources, follow the guidelines of the Modern Language Association in citing them. Any paper that presents ideas found in researched sources without citing those sources is plagiarism and will be dealt with as such. Avoid the temptation to take shortcuts. Do the assignment and trust in your own gifts.
Avoid summarizing plot details; your job is to analyze. Have a thesis (on how, for example, the differences between novel and film affect Shelley’s SF themes in Frankenstein), support your thesis, and draw conclusions.
Write in the present tense. Do not use actors’ names. Use character names. Please proofread your writing carefully.
Evaluation: I will evaluate your essay based on 1) Content: The quality of your ideas, the strength of your arguments and the extent to which you use specific examples and details to support your thesis. 2) The quality of your writing including but not limited to organization, grammar and spelling. Write in unified, coherent, and well-developed paragraphs, and triple check for proper grammar and spelling.