week 7:Write 2-3 pages using APA format As the owner of your fictitious company, please develop a new model for an effective communication strategy as you are not happy with the one that is currently in place.
week six:Write 2-3 pages using APA format
Chapter 13 in the text lists ten guiding principles that provide a solid foundation for a company’s compensation program. Please use your fictitious company and address each of these principles as you develop your pay-for-performance model.
final:Write 4-5 pages using APA format
Please select a company of your choice and assess it compensation strategy based on the concepts you have learned in this class. As a final conclusion to this paper, address whether or not you believe the program is effective.
The book is compensation, paying for performance by peter T. chingos. I will need all by Tuesday sfternoon if possible, if not let me know and I can get an estension.