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Sources of Conflict and its Resolution

Order Description

Major essay Word limit: 3000
Sources of Conflict and its Resolution
Assessment overview
This assessment requires you to think critically about the issues surrounding conflict and its sources.
Assessment details
You are required to choose one major case study and analyse a chosen scenario.
You will choose your scenario from the list below and apply it to your case study.
As well as the case study, you will also make reference to the topics covered throughout the course of the unit and the readings you have been prescribed each week.
Assessment criteria
1. Reference to relevant readings and resources
2. Connecting theory and case study
3. Resources
4. Presentation
Does humanitarian intervention help resolve conflicts? Critically assess in relation to your selected case study?

Deploy and Administer Windows Server 2012

Create a detailed, organized, and unified technical solution given a scenario described in the document linked below:

ITS405 Portfolio Project Scenario
Worldwide Advertising, Inc. (WAI) has hired you as an IT consultant. WAI is a new advertising firm, and they are currently hiring staff, establishing two locations, and have a need to get their internal IT services configured. The firm does not yet have an IT staff, but when they do, the IT staff will take over all aspects of IT administration.
You are required to supply WAI with a solution that describes the implementation and configuration of their core IT services. The cost of the implementation is not expected to exceed the company’s budget and so does not have to be considered in this solution. WAI wishes to implement a solution will meet the company’s needs for the next 2-3 years.
There are several details about WAI which will have an impact on your choices:
1. WAI will start with 300 employees, in the following departments:
a. Executives (10 employees) – manage and run the company
b. Accounts and Sales Department (150 employees) – perform market research and maintain accounts
c. Creative, Media and Production Department (100 employees)- advertising
d. Human Resources and Finances (30 employees) – perform HR and financial duties
e. IT (10 employees) -manage IT for the company
2. WAI will have two sites, one in Los Angeles and one in New York. Most staff will be located in Los Angeles with at least 1 person from each of the departments above located in New York City.
3. Networking equipment is already in place for both sites. A secure tunnel (using IPSec) will be established between the two sites so that inter-site traffic will be securely tunneled over the Internet. You may make whatever other assumptions you wish about intra-and inter-site connectivity.
4. Security mechanisms (e.g., firewalls, intrusion detection) will be handled separately, and there is no need to describe them.
5. Some departments will want their data to remain private from other departments (e.g., Finances personnel will not want Production staff to see tl1e company’s financial details). Your team may make assumptions about how data should be shared or kept private.
6. Assumptions can be made regarding any information not included here; all assumptions should be identified, however.

Your solution should draw on the content presented in the course. The outline below provides points to cover. You are free to provide additional, related information.

Provide technical and justifications reasons for each choice, citing resources as appropriate. Provide rough estimates of scheduling and manpower required for deploying your solution. You may summarize the schedule and manpower at the end of the document or separately for each section.

The Windows Server 2012 operating system should be used for all aspects of the solution.

Your solution should cover the following four numbered areas and associated bulleted items listed under each:
1.Deployment and Server Editions •How many servers total are needed? Which roles will be combined?
•What edition of Windows Server will be used for each server (e.g., Standard, Data)?
•Should servers be virtualized using Hyper-V?
•Where is each of the servers located (which of the two sites)?
•How will the servers be deployed?

2.DNS •DNS namespace design (e.g., domain name[s] chosen split DNS for Internet/intranet, zones)
•How will DNS be handled for the second site?

3.Active Directory •Number of AD domains and names of domains
•Will there be any Read-Only Domain Controllers?
•How will the second site factor into domain controller placement? How will AD sites be configured?

4.File and Printer Sharing •What shares might be needed? (Consider some of the reasoning supplied in the relevant chapter of the textbook.)
•How will quotas/FSRM be configured? (Consider all aspects, such as thresholds, altering, file screens, and reporting.)
•Will a DFS namespace be implemented?

Your submission will:
•Be in a written format, 6-8 pages in length (not counting diagrams).
•Include at least one diagram illustrating the student’s chosen Active Directory design with DNS namespace hierarchy.
•Cite and discuss no fewer than three credible sources other than course readings and media. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find these sources.

Health Care

Paper details:
Briefly Describe your input on Coding, and Reimbursement. Healthcare…Please make sure your references are included in the essay. Don’t list references that’s not mentioned in the essay.



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Zahraa S
Zahraa S
Absolutely spot on. I have had the best experience with Elite Academic Research and all my work have scored highly. Thank you for your professionalism and using expert writers with vast and outstanding knowledge in their fields. I highly recommend any day and time.
Stuart L
Stuart L
Thanks for keeping me sane for getting everything out of the way, I’ve been stuck working more than full time and balancing the rest but I’m glad you’ve been ensuring my school work is taken care of. I'll recommend Elite Academic Research to anyone who seeks quality academic help, thank you so much!
Mindi D
Mindi D
Brilliant writers and awesome support team. You can tell by the depth of research and the quality of work delivered that the writers care deeply about delivering that perfect grade.
Samuel Y
Samuel Y
I really appreciate the work all your amazing writers do to ensure that my papers are always delivered on time and always of the highest quality. I was at a crossroads last semester and I almost dropped out of school because of the many issues that were bombarding but I am glad a friend referred me to you guys. You came up big for me and continue to do so. I just wish I knew about your services earlier.
Cindy L
Cindy L
You can't fault the paper quality and speed of delivery. I have been using these guys for the past 3 years and I not even once have they ever failed me. They deliver properly researched papers way ahead of time. Each time I think I have had the best their professional writers surprise me with even better quality work. Elite Academic Research is a true Gem among essay writing companies.
Got an A and plagiarism percent was less than 10%! Thanks!



Sources of Conflict and its Resolution

Essay Writers

Order Description

Major essay Word limit: 3000
Sources of Conflict and its Resolution
Assessment overview
This assessment requires you to think critically about the issues surrounding conflict and its sources.
Assessment details
You are required to choose one major case study and analyse a chosen scenario.
You will choose your scenario from the list below and apply it to your case study.
As well as the case study, you will also make reference to the topics covered throughout the course of the unit and the readings you have been prescribed each week.
Assessment criteria
1. Reference to relevant readings and resources
2. Connecting theory and case study
3. Resources
4. Presentation
Does humanitarian intervention help resolve conflicts? Critically assess in relation to your selected case study?

Deploy and Administer Windows Server 2012

Create a detailed, organized, and unified technical solution given a scenario described in the document linked below:

ITS405 Portfolio Project Scenario
Worldwide Advertising, Inc. (WAI) has hired you as an IT consultant. WAI is a new advertising firm, and they are currently hiring staff, establishing two locations, and have a need to get their internal IT services configured. The firm does not yet have an IT staff, but when they do, the IT staff will take over all aspects of IT administration.
You are required to supply WAI with a solution that describes the implementation and configuration of their core IT services. The cost of the implementation is not expected to exceed the company’s budget and so does not have to be considered in this solution. WAI wishes to implement a solution will meet the company’s needs for the next 2-3 years.
There are several details about WAI which will have an impact on your choices:
1. WAI will start with 300 employees, in the following departments:
a. Executives (10 employees) – manage and run the company
b. Accounts and Sales Department (150 employees) – perform market research and maintain accounts
c. Creative, Media and Production Department (100 employees)- advertising
d. Human Resources and Finances (30 employees) – perform HR and financial duties
e. IT (10 employees) -manage IT for the company
2. WAI will have two sites, one in Los Angeles and one in New York. Most staff will be located in Los Angeles with at least 1 person from each of the departments above located in New York City.
3. Networking equipment is already in place for both sites. A secure tunnel (using IPSec) will be established between the two sites so that inter-site traffic will be securely tunneled over the Internet. You may make whatever other assumptions you wish about intra-and inter-site connectivity.
4. Security mechanisms (e.g., firewalls, intrusion detection) will be handled separately, and there is no need to describe them.
5. Some departments will want their data to remain private from other departments (e.g., Finances personnel will not want Production staff to see tl1e company’s financial details). Your team may make assumptions about how data should be shared or kept private.
6. Assumptions can be made regarding any information not included here; all assumptions should be identified, however.

Your solution should draw on the content presented in the course. The outline below provides points to cover. You are free to provide aIDitional, related information.

Provide technical and justifications reasons for each choice, citing resources as appropriate. Provide rough estimates of scheduling and manpower required for deploying your solution. You may summarize the schedule and manpower at the end of the document or separately for each section.

The Windows Server 2012 operating system should be used for all aspects of the solution.

Your solution should cover the following four numbered areas and associated bulleted items listed under each:
1.Deployment and Server Editions •How many servers total are needed? Which roles will be combined?
•What edition of Windows Server will be used for each server (e.g., Standard, Data)?
•Should servers be virtualized using Hyper-V?
•Where is each of the servers located (which of the two sites)?
•How will the servers be deployed?

2.DNS •DNS namespace design (e.g., domain name[s] chosen split DNS for Internet/intranet, zones)
•How will DNS be handled for the second site?

3.Active Directory •Number of AD domains and names of domains
•Will there be any Read-Only Domain Controllers?
•How will the second site factor into domain controller placement? How will AD sites be configured?

4.File and Printer Sharing •What shares might be needed? (Consider some of the reasoning supplied in the relevant chapter of the textbook.)
•How will quotas/FSRM be configured? (Consider all aspects, such as thresholds, altering, file screens, and reporting.)
•Will a DFS namespace be implemented?

Your submission will:
•Be in a written format, 6-8 pages in length (not counting diagrams).
•Include at least one diagram illustrating the student’s chosen Active Directory design with DNS namespace hierarchy.
•Cite and discuss no fewer than three credible sources other than course readings and media. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find these sources.

Health Care

Paper details:
Briefly Describe your input on Coding, and Reimbursement. Healthcare…Please make sure your references are included in the essay. Don’t list references that’s not mentioned in the essay.


  • Google Rating
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  • Trustpilot
Zahraa S
Zahraa S
Absolutely spot on. I have had the best experience with Elite Academic Research and all my work have scored highly. Thank you for your professionalism and using expert writers with vast and outstanding knowledge in their fields. I highly recommend any day and time.
Stuart L
Stuart L
Thanks for keeping me sane for getting everything out of the way, I’ve been stuck working more than full time and balancing the rest but I’m glad you’ve been ensuring my school work is taken care of. I'll recommend Elite Academic Research to anyone who seeks quality academic help, thank you so much!
Mindi D
Mindi D
Brilliant writers and awesome support team. You can tell by the depth of research and the quality of work delivered that the writers care deeply about delivering that perfect grade.
Samuel Y
Samuel Y
I really appreciate the work all your amazing writers do to ensure that my papers are always delivered on time and always of the highest quality. I was at a crossroads last semester and I almost dropped out of school because of the many issues that were bombarding but I am glad a friend referred me to you guys. You came up big for me and continue to do so. I just wish I knew about your services earlier.
Cindy L
Cindy L
You can't fault the paper quality and speed of delivery. I have been using these guys for the past 3 years and I not even once have they ever failed me. They deliver properly researched papers way ahead of time. Each time I think I have had the best their professional writers surprise me with even better quality work. Elite Academic Research is a true Gem among essay writing companies.
Got an A and plagiarism percent was less than 10%! Thanks!



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