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This week there are four discussion topics. Complete by the due date and you will have a second chance to fix mistakes and resubmit for a second review and increased points.



Please read and understand this material before responding.

Topics: Probability sampling, simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, systematic random sampling, and cluster random sampling. You will want to be able to understand the uniqueness of each random sampling method. Be able to select the optimal method given the nature of the business problem. Give yourself enough time, as this will be a thoughtful process.You may use the handout, web search or the textbook.

Textbook: Cooper & SchindlerProbability Sampling Ch. 14, p. 377 (Simple), pp. 377-383 (Complex: Systematic, Stratified, Cluster)

Handout: Sampling Methods


Randomly select one house on Elm Street.

You do not know exactly how many houses there are on this street but suspect that there are more than 12. You also know this is a short street that runs for about four blocks and ends in a cul-de-sac. You are in charge of randomly selectingone house on Elm Street. This street is about 25 miles from your location.

1. What are the general benefits of each random sampling method?





2. What are the general disadvantages of each random sampling method?





3. Which of the four sampling methods would you use to find one house on Elm Street?Explain with some detail.

4. What information is necessary for that sampling method to work? Do you have that information?

(Work through the steps to see if your idea works.)

5. What assumptions did you make to ensure each house had an equal likely chance of being selected?


Please read and understand this material before responding:

Topics: Null hypothesis, alternate hypothesis, population mean, population proportion, alpha (significance level), confidence level, test statistic, critical value, p-value (probability value), and rejection region. You will learn that these steps are constant for all hypothesis tests, although Cooper uses six, McClave uses seven and this class will use four. Writing the content for these steps is precise and that will be emphasized. You may use the handout, web search, or the textbooks.


Cooper & Schindler Ch. 17, p. 462 Statistical Testing Procedures

McClave:Ch. 6, pp. 324-325 Elements of a Test of Hypothesis; pp. 331 Exercise 6.17, Jury Trial Outcomes

Handout: Hypothesis Test Process
A. List the six primary hypothesis test steps.

Notes: (a) Textbook authors may vary the order, and nearly all have a different number of steps; it is all the same process; (b) The critical value method is rarely found in industry. The p-value method will be emphasized; (c) We will use four steps by consolidating a two (shown in the handout).


B. Describe the purpose for each of the six steps.


C. What does it mean for the null hypothesis to be rejected and alternate hypothesis to be accepted?

D. Compare hypothesis testing to a criminal trial. What does Ho represent? What does H1 represent?


Please read and understand before responding:

Topics: One-tailed test, two-tailed test, null hypothesis, alternate hypothesis, and directional hypothesis. You will need to learn how to write the dependent and independent variables based on the nature of the research question.


Cooper & Schindler Ch. 17, pp. 456-457 The Logic of Hypothesis Testing

McClave Ch. 6, pp. 320-321 The Elements of a Test of Hypothesis

Handout: Lecture Notes Test Tails


Read the Research Question (RQ), then:

1. Identify the key word that provided the direction.

2. Choose the Alternate hypothesis direction: a. Two-tail, b. One-tail L, or c. One-tail R

3. Identify the dependent (DV) and independent variables (IV).

Direction Null Alternate RQ Key Words
a. Two-tail Ho: µ1 = µ2 H1: µ1 ? µ2 difference
b. One-tail, Left Ho: µ1 ? µ2 H1: µ1 < µ2 less, decrease, lower
c. One-tail, Right Ho: µ1 ? µ2 H1: µ1 > µ2 more, greater

Note: The population mean (µ) indicates continuous variable data. The population proportion (p) for discrete variable data replaces µ with a p.

A.  RQ: Is there less baby weight gained based on formula brand?
Directional word cue:
H1 Direction:

B.   RQ: Is there a difference in proportions of auto accidents during a three-year period based on marital status?
Directional word cue:
H1 Direction:

C.  RQ: Is theaverage weekly salary higher for nurses than for schoolteachers?
Directional word cue:
H1 Direction:

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D.  RQ: Is there a decrease of crimes based on program inauguration?
Directional word cue:
H1 Direction:

E.  RQ: Is the assembly time faster using the method A than using method B?
Directional word cue:
H1 Direction:

This last RQ is intentionallypoorly worded. Consider what the dependent variable measuring.


Please Study the Lecture Notes and Readings before responding

Topics: One sample t test, and hypothesis test process. You will want to practice this hypothesis test process, as it will be used multiple times during the course. Pay attention to detail. It is recommended to copy and paste the script in the lecture notes. You may use a web search, textbook, but the lecture notes are most relevant.

Textbook: Readings are listed in the Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes: Student t Single

Data: One Sample Mean Boston Marathon Women

We wish to compare the average of the fifteen fastest times at the Boston Marathon in 2014 to 2004. The average speed is in minutes (min.).

RQ: Is the average 2014 Boston Marathon women’s time (DV) different than average 2004 Boston Marathon women’s time 157.083 minutes with a 95% confidence level?

Use Alpha = .05

A. Choose the Hypothesis

B.  Specify the Decision Rule

C. Calculate the Test Statistic, P-value

D. Make the Decision

E.  Give an interpretation of the Decision

Attach your Excel document with calculations. It is an academic integrity infraction to use another student’s file for your own.

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