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response to peers dq one 2

**** please respond to each peers DQ answers separately add citation and references to each response, Thanks ****

Response one: The leadership role I will discuss is a Director of Nursing (DON), their responsibilities are to manage services provided by the nursing personnel of healthcare facility. Their duties include overseeing the nursing personal and patient care, as well as administrative tasks such as record keeping and budgeting. They hire and train new nurses, evaluate staff performance and prepare accurate reports detailing and findings, establish policies and update existing policies, develop short and long term goals for the entire nursing department and many other duties that comes their way. For a Director of Nursing position require at least a Bachelor’s of Science (BSN) in nursing, most places prefer a Masters degree in nursing and encourage continued education.

Democratic style of leadership in my opinion is the best for the Director of Nursing, because they work with different cultures of people. The type of leadership style will help enhance the participation of employees in the decision making procedure of an organization. Although, the final decision is of the leader, collecting information, feedback, and ideas from all the staff members before finalizing everything. Democartic leadership style in nursing is quite effective as all the employees feel valued, and due to this, they attempt to give their best. Input of an organization’s employees is of foremost importance when it comes to the growth of the firm. This is one of the best for clinical settings as skills and abilities of all the professionals contribute equally to the success of the organization. Though, this management style in nursing too has some disadvantages as getting everyone’s feedback is really time-consuming process. Also, the confident group of members always come ahead and give suggestions whereas apprehensive employees may never get opportunities to provide their feedback.


TOP Nursing

Response two: There is extensive educational preparation for a Clinical nurse leader (CNL). It requires a minimum of a master’s degree with a major in nursing. The graduates that meet the criteria become eligible for the CNL certification examination (AACN, 2018). There is an extensive level of knowledge, clinical skills, and competence’s needed for patient care, in order to be a valuable resource to the health care team.

The CNL’s role is to collaborate with an inter disciplinary team. All are engaged in improving quality strategies and outcomes related to EBP. Leadership is provided beyond acute care and in all settings. These nurses are able to assess risks, collect and evaluate a patient’s outcomes, and use their knowledge to make changes to the care plan if needed (AACN, 2018). They can perform patient care in complex cases. They have the goal of ensuring the patient has the most recent and best EBP and work toward the patient having the best possible outcomes.

The CNL role was made in response to improving quality of care and patient safety. For example, the CNL can collect data on a specific group or minority and see if this is related to outcomes. Then CNL can then use the gained knowledge, from the research and literature, directly with the issue at hand. They can then develop or change plans of care to reach optimal patient outcomes.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2018). CNL Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved June 17, 2018, from

Response three:

I had heard of this leadership role in the past, but didn’t really understand what it was. Thank you for bringing it to our discussion.

I did a little further research and found that clinical nurse leader (CNL) are the newest nurse specialty added to the nursing profession in nearly 40 years (Rankin, 2018).” Nurses within this role serve as the advanced generalist overseeing the clinical care and outcomes of a group of patients through lateral integration of care” (Rankin, 2018). As we all know, most hospitals are concerned with improving care delivered to patients. This isn’t a wrong concept, but the CNL focuses on determinants of health of certain populations. Health systems that are utilizing this role are noting a decrease in readmissions as well as reduction in hospital acquired conditions (Rankin, 2018). These outcomes align perfectly with what the ACA is trying to accomplish. This is because the CNL is looking at the whole patient. Not only their current health crisis, but what is standing in the way of them being healthy. They are providing multi-dimensional holistic care to the patients.

It will be interesting to see how this leadership specialty grows in the upcoming years. Currently there are nearly 5000 certified CNL’s in the US (Rankn, 2018). I am not sure how this compares to other specialties, but I would imagine it is going to continue to grow.


Rankin, V. (2018, July-August). Clinical nurse leaders forging the path for population health. Journal of Professional Nursing, 34(4). doi:


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