Research Paper on Emotion
Project description
Your research paper will examine emotions across three different age groups. You will interview one person from each age group and ask them questions regarding emotions. The questions will be determined by you, and it is your responsibility to code the answers and examine the differences. It will be worth 100 points, but will be broken down into two parts. The first part will consist of the Title Page, Introduction, Methods, and References sections. The second part will add a Results section, Discussion section, and Abstract to a revised first part. Each part is worth 50 points. Further details regarding the structure and requirements of the paper will be provided in class.
-Also, follow these instructions:
-introduce emotion theory topic
-describe 3 studies
-focus on findings (writing)
-Briefly describe study
-general idea of what you’re going to dowhat emotions did they thought, ect.
-state your hypothesis
-age/age group
-where from
-demographic information
-describe the questions you’re going to ask (more than onenot specific)maybe like describe that emotional story; show them videos, how did they feel, give example of the questions etc.
-describe the video, the story.
-Author F.M. (year) title
journal V(#) pages
-Consent form
-do a consent form, make up the consent form.
-you can have a scale; like from 1-10 how did you feel, etc.
-one person for each age group; and use at least 3 age differences for eachonly 3 participants for this study; so ONLY 1 participant from each age group!!!!!
3-7 early childhood
8-12 middle childhood
13-18 adolescence
19-25 emerging adult
26-59 adults
60+ older adults