Choose an older person who lives at home or in a seniors’ residence. Develop a relationship with that person.
– Make at least three visits (recommended 4-6) during the semester. Get him/her to talk about their personal
life, faith, spiritual beliefs and practices.
– Note how religion has helped/hindered the person’s own experience of aging. Take note of losses
experienced, insights gained, changes in the ways in which the individual can participate in the religion.
– Take notes, or use a tape recorder, or both, but make sure you have permission before using either.
Compile your report in a clear, concise way, touching on the following areas of observation and
understanding (this is only a guide to your work):
– A brief biographical sketch (300-450 words).
– Outline of person’s religious and spiritual practices (500-700 words).
– Assessment of how religious beliefs and spiritual practices (or lack of same) have affected quality of
life (1,000-1,250 words).
– Link your observations in the above assessment to at least two of the authors discussed in the course
1.(“Responding to the spiritual needs of the elderly” by DR.Brian W.W.Aitken) & 2.(Spirituality according to
Matthew Fox… “Coming of the cosmic christ, 1985, p.38? by Matthew Fox), or relate to one or two of the
therapies explained in the material (400-600 words).