Project description
You will observe an infant or toddler between the ages of 1 month and 18 months for at least one hour. The child MUST be less than 18 months of age for this observation. It can be your own child, a neighbor, your niece or nephew, or a child at a daycare center.
In the heading of your paper include the following information:
Observation date and time:
Facility/Location where the observation took place:
Location of observation (inside, outside, living room, park etc.):
Age of child:
(note: you do not need to include the child’s name for privacy)
1. Describe the child’s physical appearance. Does the child appear healthy? What makes you think so? Be specific and descriptive. (Be objective and non-judgmental – avoid saying things like “the baby is a beautiful and chubby healthy one year old”).
2. Describe how the child moves. Give examples of how he/she uses his/her body to move through space. (i.e. crawling, walking, scooting)
3. Give examples of gross motor skills you observed. What does the textbook say for infants and toddlers of this age? How does the child compare to what the textbook identifies as age-typical.
4. Give examples of fine motor skills that you observed. What does the textbook say for infants and toddlers of this age? How does the child compare to what the textbook identifies as age-typical.
5. Provide three examples of sensory perception the child uses while involved in activity during your observation. What does the textbook say about those sense modalities and their development in infants and toddlers? How do they compare to what the textbook identifies as age-typical?
6. Describe any eating behavior observed. Did the child request any foods? Did he or she get what was requested? How did the child feed him or herself?
7. Would you evaluate the child to be within normal range for physical/motor development in his or her age group? Why or why not? Use the textbook for comparisons.
**At the end of your write-up include 5 samples of your observations.
Here is an example:
10:15 a.m. – Jamie pulls all the blocks off the shelf and begins to build a tower of blocks. He gets three blocks to balance before they tumble down. He picks up one of the blocks with his right hand and throws it about 3 feet across the room. He watches it land and says “uh, oh”.