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NR 507 Midterm Exam (Version 6 Solutions)

1. Question: Which statement concerning exotoxins is true?

2. Question: The Papanicolaou (Pap) test is used to screen for which cancer?

3. Question:  Fetal hematopoiesis occurs in which structure?

4. Question:  An infant’s hemoglobin must fall below ___ g/dl before signs of pallor, tachycardia, and systolic murmurs occur.

5. Question:  The function of the foramen ovale in a fetus allows what to occur?

6. Question:  Apoptosis is a(an):

7. Question:  What is the life span of platelets (in days)?

8. Question:  Which statement is true concerning the IgM?

9. Question:  Which criterion is used to confirm a diagnosis of asthma in an 8-year-old child?

10. Question:  Which laboratory test is considered adequate for an accurate and reliable diagnosis of gonococcal urethritis in a symptomatic man?

11. Question:  Where in the respiratory tract do the majority of foreign objects aspirated by children finally lodge?

12. Question:  What physical sign is the result of turbulent blood flow through a vessel?

13. Question:  Which primary characteristic is unique for the immune response?

14. Question:  Low plasma albumin causes edema as a result of a reduction in which pressure?

15. Question:  What is the most important negative inotropic agent?

16. Question:  Which drug may be prescribed orally for outbreak management of herpes simplex viral (HSV) infections?

17. Question:  Causes of hyperkalemia include:

18. Question:  Which hormone is required for water to be reabsorbed in the distal tubule and collecting duct?

19. Question:  What are the abnormalities in cytokines found in children with cystic fibrosis (CF)?

20. Question:  Which cardiac chamber has the thinnest wall and why?

21. Question:  The coronary ostia are located in the:

22. Question: What effect do natriuretic peptides have during heart failure when the heart dilates?

23. Question:  Erythrocyte life span of less than 120 days, ineffective bone marrow response to erythropoietin, and altered iron metabolism describe the pathophysiologic characteristics of which type of anemia?

24. Question:  Continuous increases in left ventricular filing pressures result in which disorder?

25. Question:  Where are antibodies produced?

26. Question:  What is the fundamental physiologic manifestation of anemia?

27. Question:  In a normal, nonmutant state, an oncogene is referred to as a:

28. Question:  What is the direct action of atrial natriuretic hormone?

29. Question:  The only surface inside the nephron where cells are covered with microvilli to increase the reabsorptive surface area is called the:

30. Question:  What is the final stage of the infectious process?

31. Question:  What process allows the kidney to respond to an increase in workload?

32. Question:  Which organ is stimulated during the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS)?

33. Question:  What is the most common cause of insufficient erythropoiesis in children?

34. Question:  Which organism is a common sexually transmitted bacterial infection?

35. Question:  Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) can occur if the mother:

36. Question:  When a patient has small, vesicular lesions that last between 10 and 20 days, which sexually transmitted infection is suspected?

37. Question:  Which type of antibody is involved in type I hypersensitivity reaction?

38. Question:  What is the most common cause of iron deficiency anemia (IDA)?

39. Question:  Research supports the premise that exercise has a probable impact on reducing the risk of which cancer?

40. Question:  An individual is more susceptible to infections of mucous membranes when he or she has a seriously low level of which immunoglobulin antibody?

41. Question:  An infant has a loud, harsh, holosystolic murmur and systolic thrill that can be detected at the left lower sternal border that radiates to the neck. These clinical findings are consistent with which congenital heart defect?

42. Question:  What is the life span of an erythrocyte (in days)?

43. Question:  The glomerular filtration rate is directly related to which factor?

44. Question:  Innervation of the bladder and internal urethral sphincter is supplied by which nerves?

45. Question:  What is the action of urodilatin?

46. Question:  The risk for respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) decreases for premature infants when they are born between how many weeks of gestation?

47. Question:  Which cytokines initiate the production of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)?

48. Question:  The lung is innervated by the parasympathetic nervous system via which nerve?

49. Question:  Which term is used to identify the movement of gas and air into and out of the lungs?

50. Question:  What is the purpose of the spirometry measurement?

51. Question:  A person with type O blood is considered to be the universal blood donor because type O blood contains which of the following?

52. Question:  Which statement concerning benign tumors is true?

53. Question:  Which cells have phagocytic properties similar to monocytes and contract like smooth muscles cells, thereby influencing the glomerular filtration rate?

54. Question:  How much urine accumulates in the bladder before the mechanoreceptors sense bladder fullness?

55. Question:  Which manifestations of vasoocclusive crisis are associated with sickle cell disease (SCD) in infants?

56. Question:  The drug heparin acts in hemostasis by which processes?

57. Question:  Which compensatory mechanism is spontaneously used by children diagnosed with tetralogy of Fallot to relieve hypoxic spells?

58. Question:  Causes of hyperkalemia include:

59. Question:  What is the primary cause of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) of the newborn?

60. Question:  Which hormone is synthesized and secreted by the kidneys?


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