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Model: The purpose of this report is to uncover the marketing strategies behind the huge success of the cosmetics giant, L’Oreal Paris

Research Report
(EAP 1 — 1000 words / EAP 2 —1200 words)
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Abstract (200 words)
a. Background (importance of marketing)
b. Purpose of the report (explore different marketing strategies and how they are used)
c. Method (primary or secondary data)
d. Results (summary of marketing strategies)
e. Conclusion (summary of significant findings)
f. Recommendations (marketing strategies to increase market share)
4. Introduction (100 words)
a. Purpose of the report (present marketing strategies of a successful company/brand)
b. Background (brief company history and current success)
c. Scope (list of 3 case study topics, i.e. marketing strategies)
The purpose of this report is to uncover the marketing strategies behind the huge success of the cosmetics giant, L’Oreal Paris. As the world’s leading cosmetics company, L’Oreal has an estimated value of U5523.36 billion. Founded in France in 1909 by a chemist selling hair dye formula, it has grown to be the most successful brand of its sort. This report looks into the various marketing strategies used by L’Oreal Paris that have enabled them to secure their place in the cosmetics industry, with particular focus on their unique concept of universalization, vast distribution chain, and brand image of French beauty.
5. Literature Review (completed) Definitions of marketing
6. Method (50 words)
Specify the type of data used, i.e. primary or secondary. List key sources.
7. Case Study (500 / 600 words) 5.1 Marketing strategy 1 5.2 Marketing strategy 2 5.3 Marketing strategy 3
5.1 Universalization
The most notable marketing strategy of L’Oreal Paris is their unique concept they call ‘universalization’ which is ‘globalisotion that respects differences’ (L’Oreal Finance 2014). As a global brand, their strategy according to CEO Jean-Paul Agon is not to sell the same product all over the world like in the case of Coca-Cola (Cahuzac & Cahuzac 2012), but to understand the varying needs, desires and traditions across different cultures and produce cosmetics that cater to those demands. This can be evidenced in many of their advertisements, whether poster ads or TV commercials, which feature women of different cultures, nationalities and age groups. For example, their 2015 Collection Exclusive by Colour Riche film featuring singer-songwriter John Legend performing ‘La Vie en Rose’ stars some of the most notable L’Oreal ambassadors and spokesmodels from across the globe, including the U.S., Australia, India, Germany, Ethiopia, Mexico and China. Their commitment to universalization has meant they have set up research and development centres in five different continents (Braizaz 2014) enabling them to adapt their products to local cultures. For example, in 2012, the L’Oreal group released an eyeliner crayon ‘Colossal Kajar for Indian eyes that could also withstand the humidity of the Indian climate (Dromard 2012). In this way, L’Oreal has maintained their strong presence in the cosmetics industry.
8. Conclusion (100 words)
Summary of significant findings (which should contextualise solutions).
9. Recommendations (100 / 200 words)
Present appropriate marketing strategies to increase market share.
10. References


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