choose one topic below
Will the policy of user involvement lead to a better future for users of adult social care?
What are the barriers to partnership working in the public sector and how can they be overcome? Your answer should consider models of partnership working and incorporate at least one case study to illustrate your arguments.
In what ways does an NHS based on markets and choice differ from one based on centralised planning and provision?
Critically assess the role that the voluntary sector can play in the provision of public welfare services.
How would you judge whether or not the UK’s mixed economy of welfare has been a success?
Critically assess the principal ways of financing the welfare state.
What are the key factors that have driven welfare policy over the last ten years? Your answer must use one country as a case study.
Critically assess the notion of social justice, and discuss the extent to which welfare service provision is just? You are recommended to restrict any case study you might use to one country and one policy domain.
What is meant by the personalisation of welfare services and to what extent is it likely to lead to an improvement in the delivery of services?
Critically assess key themes from this module in two different kinds of welfare regime (e.g. Scandinavia vs. United States).
If you want to write an essay on a different title, or to write an essay similar to those suggested above but using a policy domain not covered in the module, your suggested essay title must be approved by the module convenor before starting the essay.
Essays should be well illustrated with reference to relevant and contemporary examples or case studies drawn from one or more countries.
Your essay must:
be word-processed
be consecutively page-numbered
be presented with one-and-half line-spacing
respect the required word length (that is, within 10 per cent of the word limit excluding the bibliography and appendices)
denote the word count at the end of the essay but before the bibliography
include the title at the start of the assignment
include a bibliography of reading done at the end of the essay
be correctly referenced (including website sources) wherever necessary
the hard copy must be submitted with a completed coursework front sheet stapled to the coursework
an electronic copy must also be submitted via Moodle
not include (a) the student’s name, e.g. in a footer or header; (b) borders; (c) abstract; nor (d) contents page.