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Final Paper Outline

Refer to the complete instructions for the Final Paper, which can be found in Week Five. Construct an outline for your Final Paper. This outline should address all sections that will be covered in your Final Paper and should be written according to the outline format detailed in the Ashford Writing Center. Additionally, you must provide at least four scholarly sources, as well as your text, and detail how you will use each source.

Your paper must be three to five pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. All sources must be properly cited in text as well as on the reference page



Final Paper

The importance of biodiversity on environmental preservation cannot be stressed enough. Upon completion of this course, it is vital that you understand the nature of biodiversity and how it interacts with a number of biological processes. Thus, you are to write a research-based paper that utilizes at least four scholarly sources to discuss biodiversity and its importance to environmental conservation. At a minimum your paper should address the following in detail:

  1. Explain biodiversity and how it is measured.
  2. Evaluate how biodiversity is important to environmental conservation.
  3. Evaluate how each of the following concepts affect biodiversity:
    1. Biological evolution
    2. Competition and ecological niches
    3. Food webs
    4. Geography
    5. Human generated pollution and land use change
  4. Identify the techniques that humans can utilize to ensure conservation of ecosystems.

Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:

  1. Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least four scholarly sources, in addition to the course text.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA stylE




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Got an A and plagiarism percent was less than 10%! Thanks!



Final Paper Outline

Final Paper Outline

Author’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Final Paper Outline

The Research Gap

In managing disasters and emergencies, leadership plays an imperative role in alleviating the harm inflicted by calamitous incidents. Accordingly, the absence of adequate and successfully executed leadership can aggravate disasters’ effects (Ga, 2014; Mazo, 2015). Managing catastrophes and disastrous events require leaders to possess specific abilities, competencies, skills, and aptitudes. Such attributes and traits enable leaders to effectively manage major disasters and emergencies that depend on the disasters’ scope, the prevailing environmental conditions, and the firms these leaders lead (Demiroz & Kapucu, 2012). Emergency and disaster managers should also demonstrate the capacity and prowess to develop and implement policies and programs that meet the emergency management goal. Primarily, the goal entails enabling vulnerability curtailment, ecological protection, and multi-organizational disaster coordination enrichment while limiting the loss of life and property (Heintze & Thielbörger, 2018; Kapucu & Özerdem, 2011).

Leadership and crises are intertwined concepts because one naturally complements the other. While crises and emergencies do not have the same meaning, leaders in the management of crises must possess specific skills, knowledge, metacompetencies, and proficiencies to effectively execute their essential responsibility. This responsibility involves being able to respond to and manage unpredictable events, catastrophes, uncertainties, and threats arising from these crises, normalize situations, and reform institutional structures to facilitate damage control and prevention (Demiroz & Kapucu, 2012; Smits & Ally, 2003). Also, contemporary crises might emanate as effects of globalization, unprecedented effects of pandemics such as COVID-19, technological advances in information and communication technology, and cultural, financial, and operational processes in disaster management establishments. So, leaders should demonstrate an understanding of these causes of crises and their associated rapid changes to know how to provide proper direction on dealing with them.

Given the broad scope of leader responsibilities in handling disasters and challenging emergency conditions, it is imperative to explore the role of leadership in disaster and emergency management.

The Explanatory Question

What role does leadership play in managing disasters, emergency scenarios, and crises, and what skills, proficiencies, traits, and competencies are important in realizing this role?

The Thesis (Argument)

I believe that when responding to disasters and emergencies, leaders must take charge of the prevailing situations, manage networks, mitigate the disaster effects, and depict decisiveness and flexibility amidst uncertainty, chaos, and anxiety.

Leaders must possess specific characteristics, traits, skills, and abilities developed via training and experience to enable them to manage crises and catastrophic events.


The three themes that will be part of my course term paper include the following:

Theme 1: Handling Routine Emergencies and Severe Events

This theme delves into the specific activities characterizing the role of leaders in managing catastrophes, routine emergency scenarios, and extreme incidents in diverse disaster contexts.

Supporting Perspective:

Demiroz, F., & Kapucu, N. (2012). The role of leadership in managing emergencies and disasters. European Journal of Economic & Political Studies, 5(1), 91-101.

The authors’ perspective is that an array of leadership competencies are necessary for emergency managers in their leadership role of handling routine emergencies, major catastrophes, and extreme incidents.

Alternative Perspectives:

Van Wart, M., & Kapucu, N. (2011). Crisis management competencies: The case of emergency managers in the USA. Public Management Review, 13(4), 489-511.

The article examines the role of leadership in crisis management and the competencies that the involved leaders must possess.

Trainor, J. E., & Velotti, L. (2013). Leadership in crises, disasters, and catastrophes. Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(3), 38-40.

This article looks into the role and activities of leaders and leadership in managing crises, catastrophes, and disasters, emphasizing the significance of different leadership abilities.

My Perspective

Leaders should be competent and skillful to manage diverse incidents and scenarios in disaster settings.


The articles will offer insightful evidence to support the theme of handling routine emergencies, major catastrophes, and extreme incidents in that they particularize the key activities included in the leadership role.

Theme 2: Competencies, Essential Skills, and Metacompetencies

Leaders in disaster and emergency management need to attain all-inclusive excellence by possessing a complete blend of competencies, essential skills, and metacompetencies.

Supporting Perspective:

Gerras, S. J., Clark, M., Allen, C., Keegan, T., Meinhart, R., Wong, L., … & Reed, G. (2010). Strategic leadership primer. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks PA.

These authors offer a comprehensive list of the strategic leadership competencies, which are deemed relevant to leaders in disaster and emergency management.

Alternative Perspectives:

Wong, L., Gerras, S., Kidd, W., Pricone, R., & Swengros, R. (2003). Strategic leadership competencies. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks PA, Strategic Studies Institute.

The article delineates the various metacompetencies that leaders in disaster and emergency management would find valuable in accomplishing their role.

Schoemaker, P. J., Krupp, S., & Howland, S. (2013). Strategic leadership: The essential skills. Harvard Business Review, 91(1), 131-134.

This article outlines several essential skills that leaders in disaster and emergency management must possess to effectively execute their mandate.

My Perspective

Leaders must work towards attaining a blend of competencies, skills, and metacompetencies to excel in disaster and emergency management activities.


These articles will collectively guide my arguments for the theme of the competencies, skills, and metacompetencies that disaster and emergency managers need to effectively execute their roles.

Theme 3: Significance of Training and Experience

Leadership training and exposure to leadership experience are vital in facilitating the development of leadership skills, competencies, and abilities as they engage in managing catastrophic events and disasters.

Supporting Perspective:

McDermott, A., Kidney, R., & Flood, P. (2011). Understanding leader development: Learning from leaders. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 32(4), 358-378. Doi: 10.1108/01437731111134643.

These authors examine how emerging and aspiring leaders can learn and gain insights from senior leaders’ leadership experiences to develop their leadership proficiencies.

Alternative Perspective:

Baron, I. S., & Agustina, H. (2017). The effectiveness of leadership management training. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 16(2), 7-16. Doi: 10.17512/pjms.2017.16.2.01

The authors emphasize the importance of leadership development training by quantifying the effectiveness of leadership management training for top-level executives.

My Perspective

Ongoing training and experience are imperative to developing the skills, competencies, and abilities of leaders in disaster and emergency management roles.


These articles will provide evidence to back the theme of the importance of training and experience in advancing the proficiencies and capabilities of disaster and emergency management professionals.


Baron, I. S., & Agustina, H. (2017). The effectiveness of leadership management training. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 16(2), 7-16. Doi: 10.17512/pjms.2017.16.2.01.

Demiroz, F., & Kapucu, N. (2012). The role of leadership in managing emergencies and disasters. European Journal of Economic & Political Studies, 5(1), 91-101.

Ga, R. (2014). Leadership in handling disaster: Indonesian leaders in handling disasters. Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Gerras, S. J., Clark, M., Allen, C., Keegan, T., Meinhart, R., Wong, L., … & Reed, G. (2010). Strategic leadership primer. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks PA.

Heintze, H. J., & Thielbörger, P. (2018). International humanitarian action. NOHA Textbook: Springer International Publishing.

Kapucu, N., & Özerdem, A. (2011). Managing emergencies and crises. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Mazo, G. N. (2015). Lessons in leadership amidst the devastation of super typhoon Haiyan. International Journal of Social Sciences Research, 3(3), 97-110.

McDermott, A., Kidney, R., & Flood, P. (2011). Understanding leader development: Learning from leaders. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 32(4), 358 – 378. Doi: 10.1108/01437731111134643.

Schoemaker, P. J., Krupp, S., & Howland, S. (2013). Strategic leadership: The essential skills. Harvard Business Review, 91(1), 131-134.

Smits, S. J., & Ally, N. E. (2003). “Thinking the unthinkable”- Leadership’s role in creating behavioral readiness for crisis management. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, 13(1), pp. 1 – 23. Doi: 10.1108/eb046448.

Van Wart, M., & Kapucu, N. (2011). Crisis management competencies: The case of emergency managers in the USA. Public Management Review, 13(4), 489-511.

Wong, L., Gerras, S., Kidd, W., Pricone, R., & Swengros, R. (2003). Strategic leadership competencies. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks PA, Strategic Studies Institute.


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Got an A and plagiarism percent was less than 10%! Thanks!



Final Paper Outline


Ashford 4: – Week 3 – Assignment


Final Paper Outline

In Week Five you will complete a Final Paper that will focus on evaluating research studies and reports to analyze a specific topic within a Health and Human Services research area.  Review the instructions for your Final Paper in Week Five of the course or in the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide.  

This week you will submit a description of your topic area and an outline for your Final Paper.  To begin, select a topic area from the Health and Human Services field.  Your topic should correspond to actual research studies that have been performed.  You may find it easier to locate peer-reviewed sources as you select your topic area, to ensure that there is research available in the area you choose.  Examples of possible topic areas include:  Program effectiveness of community-based mental health      treatment facilities.  Perceptions of ethical competence among human service      professionals working in long- term care.  Treatment intervention outcomes for veterans with      post-traumatic stress disorder.  Characteristics of successful job placement programs      for special needs adults.  Trends in health care legislation and impacts on health      and human service delivery. 

 In the first part of your assignment this week, describe your selected topic area, including the problem or background issues that you would like to address in your Final Paper.  To do this, you will need to visit the Ashford University Library and locate at least eight peer-reviewed sources that pertain to your selected topic area.  Your sources must present actual research studies that correspond to the problem or background of your selected topic area    

Summarize the components, attributes, and/or various segments of the topic area you have selected.  
For example:  What is the research problem or issue?  Who or what is affected by this problem or issue?  What are some specific examples of research studies,      evaluations, reports, literature reviews, etc. that address it?  What are the findings of these sources, and what are      their implications on the health and human services field? 

 Then, create a detailed outline of your Final Paper.  Your outline should include at least headings and sub-headings, with at least a one- to two-sentence description for each.  Indicate within each section which of your sources will apply to that section.  

The Final Paper Outline should be two to three pages total (excluding title and reference pages) in APA format.  One page will be the topic area description and summary and one to two pages will be the outline.  Utilize a minimum of eight peer-reviewed sources that were published within the last 10 years and that are cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.  For assistance with formatting outlines, visit the Ashford Writing Center and the Ashford University Library.     

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


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