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Evaluate consequence-based moral theories.


Creating the perfect boss
Your company, Ye Old Paper Mill, recently experienced some organizational chart changes, mostly related to management positions. After posting low profits and even lower employment satisfaction scores, the CEO decided it was time for a change. The CEO, who prefers consequentialist views when it comes to ethical decisions, approached you, along with the rest of the human resources department, and tasked the team with weighing consequentialist ethical theories and selecting which theory would be best for potential managers. For this assessment, you will draft a proposal that addresses the following questions:

  • What are key features of consequentialist theories?
  • What are the differences between the consequentialist theories?
  • How does happiness and pleasure factor in to these theories? Remember employee satisfaction is at an all-time low.
  • What are the pros and cons of each view for the company if the majority of its employees would follow one of the particular theories?
  • Would it be possible for a manager, who follows a different ethical perspective, to effectively manage subordinates who follow a particular consequentialist theory?
  • Select and defend which consequentialist theory for management would be best for the company.

Your properly formatted proposal will need to include the following sections:
Introduction: Explain why you are sending this proposal. Provide an overview of the issue and discuss the task from the CEO.

  1. Address the questions listed above with applicable support and research
  2. Conclusion: In this part, you will wrap up the proposal and select and defend which consequentialist theory for management would be best for the company.
  3. Proper Proposal Formatting: This a professional document and needs to be structured as a proposal and not as an essay. You will still need to supply both in text and full citations for the sources of your information. If you need further assistance with how to structure a proposal, click on this link.

Grading Rubric

0 0 80 90 100
No Pass No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Not Submitted An inadequate or inappropriate identification of the key features of consequentialist theories and differentiation between the theories. Identifies the key features of consequentialist theories and provides differentiation between the theories with basic supporting evidence. Identifies the key features of consequentialist theories and provides differentiation between the theories with supporting evidence. Identifies the key features of consequentialist theories and provides thorough differentiation between the theories with strong supporting evidence.
Not Submitted An inadequate or inappropriate explanation of how happiness and pleasure factor in to these theories Explains how happiness and pleasure factor in to these theories with some supporting information Explains how happiness and pleasure factor in to these theories with strong supporting information. Explains how happiness and pleasure factor in to these theories with well-integrated, strong supporting information.
Not Submitted An inadequate or inappropriate assessment of the pros and cons of each view for the company if the majority of its employees would follow one of the particular theories. Assessment of the pros and cons of each view for the company if the majority of its employees would follow one of the particular theories, minor issues present. Developed assessment of the pros and cons of each view for the company if the majority of its employees would follow one of the particular theories. Thorough and detailed assessment of the pros and cons of each view for the company if the majority of its employees would follow one of the particular theories.
Not Submitted An inadequate or inappropriate selection and defense of which consequentialist theory for management would be best for the company. Selects and defends which consequentialist theory for management would be best for the company with basic supporting evidence. Selects and defends which consequentialist theory for management would be best for the company with supporting evidence. Selects and defends which consequentialist theory for management would be best for the company with strong supporting evidence.
Not Submitted Document attempts to utilize proposal formatting, but with major errors. Missing parts of the required pieces. Document uses proposal formatting, but has items out of order, inconsistent professional tone, or pieces missing. Document utilizes proposal formatting, with a few errors or pieces missing. Professional in tone. All elements of a properly structured proposal are present: Professional in tone.


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