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Carbon Footprint
1. A definition for your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air because of your use of transportation, electricity, food, clothing, and other goods and services.
The following web site has series of questions to calculate your carbon footprint. Go to (Links to an external site.) , click on blue box which says Household, and, click on Carbon Calculator.
See the icons in the gray box (Get Started, Travel, Home, Food, Shopping, Take Action)
Click on the Get Started icon and answer the all the questions on that site and then answer the questions below in the text entry box:
- Where do you live?
- How many people live in your household?
Click on the Travel icon and answer the all the questions (use the Simple not the Advanced option) on that site then answer the questions below in the text entry box:
- Do you own your own vehicle? If yes, is it powered by gasoline, diesel or electricity?
- Do you use public transit? If yes, how many miles do you estimate that you travel each year?
Click on the Home icon and answer the all the questions (use the Simple not the Advanced option) on that site then answer the questions below in the text entry box:
- How much do you estimate that your household spends: a) on electricity each year? b) on natural gas each year?
- What is the approximate living space for your household?
Click on the Food icon and answer the all the questions (use the Simple not the Advanced option) on that site then answer the questions below in the text entry box:
- How many daily servings of grains & baked goods per person do you estimate your household consumes?
- How many daily servings of fruit and vegetables per person do you estimate that your household consumes?
Click on the Shopping icon and answer the all the questions (use the Simple not the Advanced option) on that site then answer the questions below in the text entry box:
- How much do you spend on goods each month?
- How much do you spend on services each month?
Looking at the right hand side of the Shopping screen answer the following:
- In which of the 5 categories (Travel, Home, Food, Goods, Services) did you do best compared to similar households in United States?
- In which of the 5 categories (Travel, Home, Food, Goods, Services) did you do worst compared to similar households in United States?
- According to the boldface number at the top of the screen what is your carbon footprint (Household tons CO2eq/year)?
- Click on the Take Action icon and list in the text entry box two of the options (use the exact same words as in the list) which you might consider to REDUCE YOUR IMPACT?