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Analyze one painting by Manet in detail. Please feel free to refer to other works by Manet or other painters in the course of your analysis.

Analyze one painting by Manet in detail. Please feel free to refer to other works by Manet or other painters in the course of your analysis.

Think out of a narrowly defined subtopic from the general topic. 1. Students will write one short (700-800 word) research questions over the course of the semester. Rather than repeating what was said in class, students should explore in depth a narrowly defined subtopic from the general topic. Due to the short length of the assignments, unnecessary biographical information should be avoided. Students must draw upon at least two print and peer-reviewed secondary sources in developing their analyses. Please use MLA style for all references. 2. Objectives for the Research Questions: In completing the research questions, students will: ? gain an in-depth knowledge of an aspect of European cultural history ? locate primary and secondary sources ? integrate the research of others into their own research ? produce a short, tightly structured analysis of a narrowly defined topic 3. Rather than repeating what was said in class, students should explore in depth a narrowly defined subtopic from the lists on the syllabus. Due to the short length of the assignments, unnecessary biographical information should be avoided. 4.Students must draw upon at least two peer-reviewed and/or print secondary sources in developing their analyses. •Please use MLA style for all references. –See: 5. Try to demonstrate your thesis step by step. •Think of a development with a beginning, a middle and an end. •Logical transitions from sentence to sentence –the paragraph as irreducible unit of meaning 6.The purpose of the introduction is to catch your reader’s interest and to frame the analyses to come. •Try to: –contextualize your analyses –indicate the stakes of the argument –lay out at the main lines of inquiry •Somewhere in your introduction, your reader should be able to discern a topic sentence. 7. In your conclusion, try to synthesize – without simply repeating – the essence of your argument. •Avoid turns of phrase that you have used in the body of your text. •If possible, try to prolong organically your conclusion by offering something new at the end of your paper. 8. Try to find the best word (the clearest and most precise) possible. 9. Look for images and turns of phrase that crystallize your idea. •Vary your syntax and lexicon. –Variety of sentences (simple/complex) –Variety of nouns –Variety of verbs 10. Any chunks of language of six or more words, either in a row or with breaks, should be cited (placed in quotation marks) and referenced. 11. –Long citations • Citations of 2-3 lines or more should be separated from the body of your paragraph by a blank space and should appear without quotation marks in either a smaller font or a narrower margin. –Short citations • Citations of less than 2-3 lines of text should be integrated directly into your paragraph within quotation marks. *Please see MLA guidelines for more details on citing sources. 12. Remember: Please do not use my general topic, students have to think out of a narrowly defined subtopic from the general topic. And at least two print and peer-reviewed secondary sources are important in your analyze. Please avoided biographical. 13. Thanks a lot! If you have any question, please ask me without any hesitation.


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