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chapter 14

chapter 14

As discussed in chapter 14 of the OCR, among the different ways to assess the justice or fairness of an economic system, which of the following positions favors an assessment based on actual outcomes?

As discussed in chapter 14 of the OCR, among the different ways to assess the justice or fairness of an economic system, which of the following positions favors an assessment based on actual outcomes?

a.    Advocates of the justice of inherited wealth.

b.    Advocates of free market monopolies.

c.    Advocates of procedural justice.

d.    Advocates of distributive justice.

As discussed in chapter 14 of the OCR, proponents of radical egalitarianism believe:

a.    Some inequality of wealth is morally justifiable and good in a just society.

b.    No inequality of wealth is morally justifiable and good in a just society.

c.    All inequality of wealth is morally justifiable and good in a just society.

d.    Moral questions are irrelevant about wealth distribution in any society.
As discussed in chapter 14 of the OCR, what is the idea called that claims that an economic system is just when everyone’s chances at getting a good education and a good job are much the same?

a.    Equal opportunity.

b.    End-state distributive justice

c.    Equal economic outcomes.

d.    Supply side economics.
In his influential theory of economic justice, John Rawls argues for a social economic system that can best be described as:

a.    A purely free market capitalist economic system.

b.    A purely state run communist egalitarian system.

c.    Both “a” and “be” are true.

d.    Neither “a” nor “be is true.
In John Rawls theory of justice, what is meant by the veil of ignorance?

a.    The unfortunate outcomes of a poor educational system.

b.    A fair way in his theory to prevent bias in the so-called original position.

c.    The traditional head covering worn by many Muslim women.

d.    The willingness to accept unequal liberties in the so-called original position.
As discussed in chapter 14 of the OCR, which of the following economic systems is associated with justice as measured by social outcomes and egalitarian principles?

a.    Socialism.

b.    Capitalism.

c.    Libertarianism.

d.    All of the above.
As discussed in chapter 14 of the OCR, individual freedom and liberty understood as living under the least amount possible of government interference and regulation is the moral value primarily stressed by which social system?

a.    Socialism.

b.    Communitarianism.

c.    Libertarianism.

d.    None of the above.
As discussed in chapter 14 of the OCR, the gap between the rich and the poor in the U.S has been:

a.    Accepted by all as an expression of a just social system.

b.    Increasing for a long period of time.

c.    Decreasing over the last two decades.

d.    About the same for most of that last 30 years.
Income inequality and a very narrow concentration of wealth in a society are moral questions when:

a.    A social system is set up to preserve wealth and power among the few.

b.    Education and job opportunity are not equally available to all.

c.    Political influence and policy-making serve the wealthy more than the collective good.

d.    All of the above.
According to John Rawls, as noted in the lecture by Michael Sandel and also in chapter 14 of the OCR, principles of justice are best derived from a hypothetical contract.  This means imagining ourselves setting up the rules for our soon-to-be society from an original position of:

a.    Personal disadvantage and powerlessness before that society starts.

b.    Personal power and wealth before that society starts.

c.    Personal ignorance about what and where we will be within that society.

d.    Personal inside knowledge about what and where we will be within that society.


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