Assignment Content
Write a 260- to 350-word evaluation of your Action Research Proposal. Use the Criteria for Evaluating Action Research located in Ch 10.
Research in Action Checklist 10–1 Criteria for Evaluating Action Research
Area of focus—Does the area of focus involve teaching and learning?
Research questions—Does the researcher state questions that were answerable given the researcher’s expertise, time, and resources?
Locus of control—Was the area of focus within the researcher’s locus of control?
Data collection—Did the researcher use appropriate data collection techniques (qualitative and/or quantitative) to answer the study’s research questions?
Ethics—Did the research face any ethical challenges? If so, how were they resolved?
Reflective stance—In what ways has the action research effort contributed to the researcher’s reflective stance on the ways teaching and learning are viewed?
Action—Did the outcomes of the study lead to action?
Action-data connection—How is the proposed action connected to the study’s data analysis and interpretation?