week 3 budget start up

Business Financing : How to Open a Business With No Money (Links to an external site.) Watch the video: How to start a business with no money and list 5 business opportunities that could be started with little or no money. What are the specific skills needed to accomplish this that differ from businesses that …

use the internet or the strayer library to research a company for whom you would like to work focus your research on the selected company s approach to recruiting selecting training and managing its workers

Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research a company for whom you would like to work. Focus your research on the selected company’s approach to recruiting, selecting, training, and managing its workers. Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: Briefly describe the company you researched. Evaluate the effectiveness of …

critical reflective writing

The Essay Question: Identify from your experience at least 1 event/scenario where you have applied, or failed to apply, Project Management Theory. This can for example be during one of the 5 process groups (Initiating; Planning; Executing; Monitoring and controlling; or Closing) or focussed on one or more of the 10 knowledge areas Project Integration …

bio2071 organisms causing parasitic disease

What are the types of organisms that can cause parasitic diseases in the human being? Explain at least four such organisms. What are the different routes that pathogenic protozoans can use to enter the host? What are three methods for establishing a laboratory diagnosis of an intestinal parasitic infection? Explain. References https://www.healthline.com/health/parasitic-infect… https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/about.html https://www.britannica.com/science/parasitic-disea… https://www.livestrong.com/article/28148-protozoan… …

project draft 2

Upload your second draft of your RIP Project here in ONE continuous docx or pdf file. If you have created a website, video, or some other non-traditional document, copy/paste the text + images into the Word document and include the URL at the top of the document. I strongly suggest exporting to .pdf in order …

write an annotation for researching phishing scam 180 words for each 4 articles and ebook

Assignment Instructions and Requirements Choose a technology topic that interests you. It may take some searching the Library and the Internet to know exactly what topic you wish to choose, so plan your time accordingly. Identify your research question. The discussion this week should help you focus your efforts and your classmates’ input can be …