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What is the key difference between psychological testing and psychological assessment?

PSY 550 Midterm
Short Answers
The 25 questions below are worth 4 points each.
1. What is the key difference between psychological testing and psychological assessment?
2. Name three estimates of a test’s inter-item consistency.
3. From the intelligence test data he gathered at Ellis Island, Henry Goddard concluded that many of the people attempting to immigrate to the United States were “feebleminded.” What was this claim based on?
4. What do test developers do to address test-taker guessing?
5. In order to conduct research using human subjects, a university requires researchers to complete an online ethics course and then correctly respond to all of the items of the test on that material. What kind of test could this BEST be characterized as?
6. As compared to one-on-one and face-to-face assessments, what is one disadvantage of CAPA?
7. According information presented in the modules, what are at least two characteristics about psychological traits?
8. The U.S. Navy is highly selective when it comes to applications for Navy SEAL training. What kind of distribution of test scores on a Navy SEAL Qualifying and Screening Examination administered to a class of high school seniors would be expected to yield?
9. Describe an anchor protocol.

10. What is a halo effect?

11. Why is a normal distribution of scores desirable?
12. Give an example of an incidental sample.
13. What kind of utility analysis is most likely to be utilized when the purpose is the answer some finance-related question with a dollars-and-cents?
14. What need did the first group intelligence testing fulfill?
15. What is the relationship between test reliability and standard error of measurement?
16. Jana takes a personality test administered by the True Compatibility Dating Service.
According to the personalized, computerized personality profile that results, Jana
learns that her need for exhibitionism is much greater than her need for stability.
Since the test analyzes data only with regard to Jana, and no other client of the dating service, what kind of scoring was utilized?
17. What kinds of concerns or issues arise if accommodation is made for the purpose of administering a test?

18. What is the ultimate purpose or end point of a utility analysis?

19. The directions for scoring a particular motor ability test instruct the examiner to “give credit if the child holds his or her hands open most of the time.” Because what constitutes “most of the time” is not specifically defined, directions such as these could result in lowered reliability estimates for what kind of reliability?

20. Give an example of convergent evidence of construct validity.
21. What is coefficient alpha an expression of?
22. If someone tells you what their recently measured “IQ” is, what value is that person most likely giving you?
23. You are interested in developing a test for social adjustment in a college fraternity or sorority. You begin by interviewing persons who had graduated from college after having been a member of a fraternity or sorority for at least two years. What stage of test development are you in and what would you do next?
24. What factors affect the generalizability of findings from a particular test?
25. Describe the relationship between the cut score and the selection ratio.

Essay Questions
The essay questions below are worth 10 points each.
26. Identify at least three different tools of psychological assessment and review the benefits and liabilities of utilizing these tools.
27. Consider issues of diversity reviewed thus far in the course. Identify and discuss the issues of diversity related to psychological assessment and rights of test-takers with someone of a different culture, language background, and ability.
28. Describe the forms and sources of error and how error contributes to reliability.
29. Part of test utility includes cut scores. Describe two kinds of cut scores, two ways that cut scores are established, and at least two different problems that can arise with cut scores.
30. Compare and contrast what makes a good test with what makes a good test item.


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