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Policy brief Bill SB 670 Florida

The bill sought to provide for the protection of the rights of residents of nursing home. It required that action be taken for an employee, direct caregiver, management, consulting company or the licensee, in the case of vicarious liability, injury, violation of right or death of a resident. The bill also provides for the requirement of evidence to ascertain the guilt of the subject (The Florida Seante, 2014).


Gaetz of district four and Senator John Thrasher of district six. They are all Republicans. Cosponsors were the Judiciary and Health Policy. The bill was designed following a need to provide judicial coverage for residents of a nursing home. It was filed in January 2014, went through the process and was approved by the governor on 13th June, 2014, becoming law. In its legislative history, it went through two amendments. Among the stakeholders are the Judiciary, Health Policy, nursing homes direct caregivers, consulting companies, nursing home managements and nursing home licenses (Lobbytools, 2014).

A policy alternative to this legislation is where such disputes between the management and the residents are solved outside of court, especially through negotiation. According to (Namazi&Chafetz, 2001), nursing homes are facing a big challenge due to the multiplicity and the chronicity nature of the illnesses and clients they deal with, and pressure from politicians. The advantage of this alternative is that it will consider the limited financing to nursing homes, which limits them to offer the best services. However, this alternative is disadvantageous to the resident since they may not get justice. This action of settling disputes outside the court can be carried out as soon as investigations of the claims have been carried out. In lieu of the challenges that nursing homes are facing, I recommend negotiation as a means of solving disputes between residents and the management. This is related to nursing in that; it will promote a good relationship between the residents, their relatives and the nursing home staff.


Lobbytools.(2014). SB 670.Relating to nursing home litigation (2012 Session). Retrieved from

Namazi, K. H., &Chafetz, P. (2001). Assisted living: Current issues in facility management and resident care. Boston, MA: Greenwood Publishing Group Inc.

The Florida Senate.(2014). CS/CS/SB. 670.Nursing Home Litigation. Retrieved from


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