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Police Brutality

Brian Palacios

History 1301

Juana Rodriguez

24 October 2018

Police Brutality

Leaders have encouraged the police to use brutal force when dealing with suspects. Police brutality has been a theme that was present in the early days in history, and up to this era, we continue to encounter police using force and sometimes killing suspects. In the journal ‘Sacrificing Black Lives for the American Lie’ we are made aware that the American police are not charged or rarely are they charged for taking the lives of the black people in the American nation. For the instances, they are charged the juries rarely convict them. The issue arose when a Minnesota jury ruled in favor of the police that Philando Castile was responsible for his death and Jeronimo Yanez the officer who shot him did nothing wrong.

According to the journal, there is no known reason as to why justice is segregated from the black people’s death, but people say that America is racist. The jurors in the American nation are like cops who hate the blacks for no reason. On the side of the police, the account of racism is indisputable as they claim that the lives of the black people do not matter. Indeed, the Black Death matters to the life of America that is it matters to the blood flow of ideas that give life to the American’s perception of a nation.

Police brutality in the American nation was witnessed as early as 1872 when the Chicago Tribune reported the beating of a civilian under arrest at the Harrison police station. Police brutality on the people of black decency is not a thing of today, but it is a historical issue that was present during the times of slavery. The slaves were brutally tortured and killed by the police, and the justice system of America never gave an ear to the complaints as the blacks were always condemned to be on the wrong. Reading from the article, around fifty years ago Black American rioters who rebelled and killed by the police in almost 130 cities were blamed by the Americans for causing their own deaths.

Work Cited

Kendi, Ibrahim. Sacrificing Black Lives for the American Lie. The New York Times. Retrieved from: 20 October 2018


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police brutality

One team will work to resolve the Health Care Issue.  The other team will work to resolve the Police Brutality Perception issue. 


Express the issue you found in your search. Refine your expression and include both the original and the refined version. Justify your revision.


Investigate the issue by obtaining necessary information. List the questions you must answer to understand the issue.


Conclude your investigation with a thorough explanation of the issue, including answers to each of the questions you identified.


Produce ideas toward resolving this issue. Take note of all of your initial ideas–whether you think they are ridiculous or serious is not important.


Discuss the two ideas that you think are the most imaginative, original, and positive potential solutions to the issue.


Summarize your process and initial solutions.


Refine your team’s solutions by following Ch. 12 (overcoming errors in reasoning) and Ch. 13 (refining resolutions) of the text and decide on the better of the two.


Present your refined final resolution including an implementation plan.


Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® or presentation.


  • Local Campus students, present your resolution process in a 10- to 15-minute presentation.
  • Online students, use detailed speaker notes to describe your team’s experience at each stage.

Presentation:  Your team will present these findings in a 30 minutes presenation to the class. 


Include one or two slides on each of the following:


  • Original issue
  • Initial resolutions
  • Critical examination of best resolution
  • Evaluation of the argument
  • Revised argument
  • Refined resolution with implementation plan


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Zahraa S
Zahraa S
Absolutely spot on. I have had the best experience with Elite Academic Research and all my work have scored highly. Thank you for your professionalism and using expert writers with vast and outstanding knowledge in their fields. I highly recommend any day and time.
Stuart L
Stuart L
Thanks for keeping me sane for getting everything out of the way, I’ve been stuck working more than full time and balancing the rest but I’m glad you’ve been ensuring my school work is taken care of. I'll recommend Elite Academic Research to anyone who seeks quality academic help, thank you so much!
Mindi D
Mindi D
Brilliant writers and awesome support team. You can tell by the depth of research and the quality of work delivered that the writers care deeply about delivering that perfect grade.
Samuel Y
Samuel Y
I really appreciate the work all your amazing writers do to ensure that my papers are always delivered on time and always of the highest quality. I was at a crossroads last semester and I almost dropped out of school because of the many issues that were bombarding but I am glad a friend referred me to you guys. You came up big for me and continue to do so. I just wish I knew about your services earlier.
Cindy L
Cindy L
You can't fault the paper quality and speed of delivery. I have been using these guys for the past 3 years and I not even once have they ever failed me. They deliver properly researched papers way ahead of time. Each time I think I have had the best their professional writers surprise me with even better quality work. Elite Academic Research is a true Gem among essay writing companies.
Got an A and plagiarism percent was less than 10%! Thanks!



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