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Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is able to survive outside the uterus. A spontaneous abortion is one that occurs naturally without any interference,

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is able to survive outside the uterus. A spontaneous abortion is one that occurs naturally without any interference, which is known as a miscarriage.An induced abortion is one that is caused by medications or surgical procedures.Abortion is an extremely complex and highly debated public issue that has consumed much of the American social and political arena.Women believe there are many reasons to abort such as fear of having or raising a child, rape, or not having enough money.Whatever the situation, there is never an acceptable reason to get an abortion.In our society we have taken on this second view of the meaning, rather than abortion being a spontaneous act, it is a deliberate procedure sought by the mother that removes an embryo or fetus. This deliberate act has arisen throughout a controversial history. Before the procedures were made legal, women used many primitive methods. Some of these methods include jumping from great heights, having others jump on the pregnant woman’s abdomen, ingestion of toxic substances, and the use of invasive probes such as sticks, knitting needles, or wire hangers.One of the many questions is if it is moral or immoral to have an abortion. There is about 1.2 million abortions taking placing every year even though after the 1990s abortion rates decreased somewhat. The Supreme Court has dealt with eight cases involving different issues that deal with abortion. Abortion is unethical, because of the history against abortion, religion aspects, risk to the women and family, and violence involved.

The Abortion History before the Roe versus Wade case and the history of abortion after that case. “The Criminalization of abortion came about largely through the efforts of the American Medical Association (AMA), which waged a “physicians’ crusade” against the procedure in the years following the Civil War” (Marcovits 15). Some two million American women would obtain an abortion every year in the twentieth century, even though the procedures were outlawed. Studies from different birth control clinics started to be studied in the late 1920s and in 1931. Abortions increased by 166 percent around 1929 to 1931, because the stock market crashed causing the Great Depression. “In 1959 the American Law Institute – a national organization composed of prominent judges, lawyers, and law professors – urged state legislatures to make abortion legal.” (Marcovits 22). In Texas a woman named Norma McCorvey found herself pregnant and sought an abortion in 1969. She is the one that made all of abortion legal where we all pay taxes for women to have abortions. Under the name Jane Roe, she filed a lawsuit to dispute against the Texas law that it violated her constitutional right to privacy. The 1973 Supreme Court case set up a three-step guideline relating to the tree trimesters of pregnancy. The first trimester is the first three months of pregnancy, the second trimester is three months to six months, and the third trimester is the seventh to the ninth month. The Roe verses Wade case protects the mother, but neglects to protect the fetus.The Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri verses Danforth 1976 case ruled it unconstitutional to require pregnant women to obtain husband consent, but it neglects the husband feelings. If the husband really wants the child, the mother should be able to deal with nine months of pregnancy to be able to give the child to the father to raise and the mother could just find a man that don’t want a child.

The following year, Maher verses Roe tried to make it where Medicaid covered abortion expenses, but the Supreme Court vote refuse to spend their funds to provide abortions.(Fremgen 304)In 1856, Dr. Horatio Storer establishes a national drive through the American Medical Association (AMA) to make all abortions illegal. In twenty states there were laws that limited abortion during 1860. In 1875 the Social Purity speech spoke out against abortion, making many other women that became against abortion in the late nineteenth century. The American Medical Association (AMA) outlawed abortion in 1890. (History of Abortion)Anti-abortion legislation was the backlash against the growing movements for suffrage and birth control in an effort to control women. When abortion was illegal, poor women and women of color disproportionately turned to dangerous self-abortions, such as inserting knitting needles or coat hangers into the uterus, douching with dangerous solutions such as swallowing strong drugs or chemicals.(OBOS Abortion Contributiions)

The reason abortion is unethical is because of the role the religion aspects has against abortion. Abortion is a sin in the eyes of God because it is an unforgivable act taking an innocent human life. The instant a women is impregnated is the instant that the fetus is considered to be a human life.  That every child whether born or unborn has a right to life and health; therefore,it is absolutely immoral for the mother to deny the fetus this right especially when the child has not even entered the world. It is extremely important to understand that there is nothing wrong with the views of religion because this view is actually developed on the lines of civil rights. Fetuses and embryos are human beings, and therefore have the right to live. Generally speaking human lives should be valued either from conception or implantation until natural death. Any deliberate destruction of human life is considered ethically or morally wrong and should not be allowed. Whereas abortion is an attack on innocent human life and is considered murder. It is considered killing the new human life that God has created in his image and to his likeness.

Abortion is denying the right to a life to human beings that are in the embryonic and fetal stages of development. A human being is conceived when the human sperm fuses with a human egg, which both most contain twenty-three chromosomes producing a single-cell human zygote. Development is continuous without any biological interruptions throughout the embryonic, fetal, neo-natal, childhood and adulthood stages – until the death of the organism is natural. It is not a mere clump of human cells but a genetic blueprint that is distinct, unified, self-integrating organism that develops itself. In a Gallup poll was done in 2001, it reported that ninety percent of the respondents believe in God. When a 2002 poll was conveyed it found that the majority of the religious Americans support stricter laws against abortion. Most Religious people believe it is immoral to have an abortion.

The reason abortion is unethical is because of all the risk it can cause the women and family.An abortion can strongly affect the psychology and the future lives of the entire family. The woman that has decided to commit murder by abortion during the pregnancy will never be the same. The woman may be the hardest hit by an abortion, but you have to think of the mental and emotional state of the whole family. While physically only the mother undergoes an abortion, mentally and emotionally it is the entire family who loses a part of their mind and body forever. Having an abortion is also related to the increase chance of breast, uterine and cervical cancer in women. When a woman has an abortion, she will always think about the baby she might have had. She will always think about the future that could have happened with her baby which will always remind her that she killed it. Because she has had an abortion, she will never have a good life, and her conscience will remind her of what she had done. Because a woman who has an abortion can’t forget about what she has done, these thoughts will always be with her, and the results can be calamitous.

Average women loses when she goes through abortion by first paying hundreds of dollars to receive the surgery. The second reason is she goes through a humiliating procedure that is an invasion worse than rape as her uterus is crudely vacuumed to remove every scrap of life, which can haunt a women for the rest of their life. Third, she could possibly lose her health because women’s body are delicate to balanced ecology, which is not meant to have the process done. The injuries from the abortion could cause the women not to be able to have any children in the future. During an abortion, the women offers her own child as a sacrifice for the right to continue her life, and it is a sacrifice that will haunt her for the rest of her life.Some women will suffer depression, suicidal thoughts, and nightmares, or even wake up thinking they hear a baby crying. If it was degrading to treat women as property, then it is not any better for women to treat their own flesh and blood like property.

The violence involved in the abortion procedure should be enough to turn anyone against abortion, because it is really brutal how they kill the fetus. The first six to sixteen weeks the procedure used is called the aspiration surgical procedure. An abortion provider will give you medication for the pain and possibly sedation. You will lie on your back with your feet in stirrups and a speculum is inserted to open the vagina. An anesthetic is administered to your cervix to numb it, then a surgical instrument with long handles and a clamp at the end is used to hold the cervix in place for the cervix to be dilated by absorbent rods that vary in size which may also be put in a few days prior to the procedure. When the cervix is wide enough, a long plastic tube connected to a suction device, is inserted into the uterus to suck out the fetus. The procedure can usually last up to ten to fifteen minutes long, but recovery may require staying at the clinic for a few hours. The most common side effects of the procedure include cramping, nausea, sweating, and feeling faint. The less frequent side effects include possible heavy or prolong bleeding, blood clots, damage to the cervix and perforation of the uterus.After the sixteenth week the procedure used is called dilation and evacuation surgical procedure, which 24 hours prior to the actual procedure, your abortion provider will insert a synthetic dilator inside your cervix. Your abortion provider will use a cone-shaped rods of increasing size are used to continue the dilation process and tenaculum to keep the cervix and uterus in place.A numbing medication will be used on the cervix and a shot may be given before the procedure begins to ensure fetal demise has occurred, then along tube is inserted to begin removing tissue away from the lining. Using a surgical instrument shaped like a scoop or spoon, the lining is scraped to remove any residuals. If needed, forceps may be used to remove larger parts. The last step is usually a final suction to make sure that all the contents are completely removed. This procedure normally takes anywhere between fifteen to thirty minutes. The most common side effects include nausea, bleeding and cramping which may last for two weeks following the procedure. These are less likely side effects to happen: damage to uterine lining or cervix, perforation of the uterus, infection, and blood clots. After twenty-one weeksthe dilation and extraction procedure also known as the D and X procedure is used.  On all the procedures you are giving an antibiotic to prevent from getting an infection. Two days before the procedure, insert a synthetic dilator to dilate the cervix. Your water should break on the third day, so you can return to the clinic. The fetus is than rotated, so forceps can be used to grasp and pull the legs, shoulders and arms through the birth canal. A small incision will be made at the base of the skull to allow a suction catheter inside. The catheter removes the cerebral material until the skull collapses then the fetus is completely removed after the brutal murder.The side effects are basically the same as dilation and evacuation procedure, however, there is an increased chance of emotional problems from the brutal murder that is the reality of more advanced fetal development.(Surgical Abortion Procedures)

Can you kill an adult and get away with the situation never getting investigated, don’t think so because it is taking away someone’s future. When you kill a fetus you are taking away that baby’s future there really is no difference between the two killings, except the baby never gets to experience life where adults have experienced life to an extent. In each situation you have a murderer and the victim, while the victim never has the chance to live the murder never gets her piece of mind back. Is it really justified to take the life of an innocent fetus just so the women can live her life the way she imagined it? No, you cannot ever justify killing an innocent human being. If you say to a police officer that you killed an innocent adult because that innocent human being got in your way of how you planned your life, guess what you will be spending your time in prison. We will never turn the other way, while an innocent fetus is being murdered at some abortion clinic. Protect those that are innocent that cannot protect for themselves, so they can live a full life. When one’s life is loss it is one of the greatest losses to suffer because it deprives the victim of experiences, activities, projects, and enjoyment.


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